While great strides have been made in the development of LRM’s objectives and strategies, MDOA partners have also been hard at work implementing programs and initiatives to help pave the way for a Longevity Ready Maryland. Key examples of LRM in Action include:
Age-Friendly Communities (AARP/WHO): The development of inclusive programs and systems, often encouraged by AAAs at the local level, that encourage best practices that make communities more livable for residents of all ages.
Assistance in Community Integration Services Pilot (Maryland Department of Health): A collaboration with MDOA and the departments of health, housing, and disabilities to reduce unnecessary institutionalization and homelessness among Medicaid participants guided through participation in the Housing and Services Partnership Accelerator.
CAPABLE Pilot (Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development): A collaboration with MDOA and local aging and disability agencies to expand an evidence-based home modification model in rural communities.
Complete Streets (MDOT): Policy guiding a deliberate approach to planning, designing, and constructing safer streets for residents of all ages and abilities.
Evidence-Based Health Promotion (MDOA and Maryland Department of Health): A collaboration between public-private partnerships, state and local departments of aging and health, and the Maryland Living Well Center of Excellence to expand the capacity of local agencies, community-based organizations, and health care to provide evidence-based health promotion workshops.
Housing Expansion and Affordability Act (Moore-Miller Administration): Legislation that addresses the affordable housing crisis by bolstering supply. The Act removes local government barriers to the construction of affordable housing, promotes increased density where appropriate, and removes barriers to the use of manufactured housing statewide.
LRM Data Dashboard (MDOA and Maryland Department of Planning): An innovative resource to help service providers and policymakers identify needs, anticipate trends, and measure outcomes that impact longevity in Maryland, the LRM Data Dashboard provides information about life expectancy, population growth, health and economic indicators across racial, age, and geographic breakdowns. Already an essential tool in developing LRM's objectives and strategies, the dashboard will continue to evolve to incorporate new data from state and local partners and play an important role across several phases of implementation.
Maryland Access Point (MDOA and Maryland Department of Health): In partnership with Maryland's AAAs, community service providers, and 211 Maryland, Maryland Access Point provides information, assistance, and referrals for long-term services and supports, hospital-to-home transition support, social service benefits, health care coverage, housing, dementia care, and other programs and services for older adults, people with disabilities, and their caregivers. Health and human service organizations can be included in this innovative resource mapping and referral service, free of charge.
Maryland Caregiver Navigation Grant (MDOA): A collaboration with the departments of human services, disabilities, and health, and the Maryland Commission on Caregiving to advance the implementation of the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers through policy, outreach, and programming.
Maryland Equips (MDOA, Maryland Department of Disabilities, and Maryland Department of Health): A consolidated directory of free or low-cost medical and assistive technology, equipment, and service programs available to Maryland residents.
SOAR and Social Connections Legislation (MDOA): Legislation intended to modernize and improve state-funded aging-in-place services. The Supporting Older Adult with Resources (SOAR) program proposes a consolidation of existing programs to improve efficiency and effectiveness of state-funded long-term care services. The Social Connections Program proposes adaptations to the Senior Call Check Program to better address accessibility barriers and social isolation.
States Advancing All-Payer Health Equity Approaches and Development Model (Maryland Department of Health): An approach intended to drive health care transformation by improving health care quality and controlling costs across all payers in partnership with the Health Services Cost Review Commission.
Strategies to Reframe Aging (MDOA and National Center to Reframe Aging): Training and technical assistance for aging services leaders to improve communication that advances a more equitable and complete understanding of the contributions of older Marylanders on our society.
Supportive Communities Initiative (MDOA): A collaboration with local governments, community-based organizations, Villages, and other community leaders to increase capacity of community-level supports that enable people to age in place.