Reframe Aging


​Marylanders are experiencing longer, healthier life expectancies that extend near or beyond 100 years of age. Marylanders age 50+ contribute significantly to the economy through work, innovation, purchasing power, and tax revenue. The Maryland Department of Aging (MDOA) has partnered with the National Center to Reframe Aging (NCRA) to share how to effectively communicate with and about the growing 50+ population with leaders and policymakers in aging networks. The partnership is part of MDOA's multisector plan for aging, Longevity Ready Maryland

Core Elements to Reframe Aging

Delivered by expert NCRA Facilitators on the research and principles to improve communication strategies about aging, participants will learn the principles of reframing aging to help their organizations use well-framed language in communications.​

Format: A four-part online, self-paced course complemented with three one-hour interactive application-based training sessions. The three cohorts are limited to 20 participants each to ensure effective understanding and application of the communication strategies. 

Session Summaries:

COHORT 1: Targeting Area Agencies on Aging

  • Session 1: Tuesday, 7/30, 3 - 4 PM​
    Framing Fundamentals and Map of the Public Understanding of Aging
    Participants will recap what they learned about the research base that underlies the communication strategies from the National Center to Reframe Aging.  Additionally, participants will practice applying the fundamental elements of strategic framing and practice identifying the elements of public understanding of aging in messaging.  

  • ​Session 2: Tuesday, 8/6, 3 - 4 PM​
    Telling the Story of Aging – Embracing the Dynamic Narrative
    Participants will recap the step-by-step process of constructing a well-framed social change narrative. Participants will practice using the Embracing the  Dynamic Narrative and its elements of value, metaphor, and solution.  

  • Session 3: ​Tuesday, 8/13, 3 - 4 PM​
    Addressing Ageism—Confronting Injustice and Ageism Narrative
    Participants will recap the narrative designed to explain and challenge ageism in our society. Participants will practice defining ageism and explaining how  unconscious bias works to sustain it. Additionally, participants will practice how to address ageism using the value of justice.

  • Session 4 (Optional): ​Tuesday, 8/20 3 - 4 PM
    Open Questions and Answers
    Participants are encouraged to join facilitators for a 1-hour office hour session to discuss the homework assignment. National Center facilitators will be ready to answer your questions about the homework to ensure the participants are equipped to apply what was learned during the Core Elements series to their work.

Reframing Aging ​Workshop for Writers and Communicators

Communication strategies for reaching Maryland's fastest growing population. 

June 10, 2025

Select communications professionals will participate in a movement to change the way society talks about aging, work​ to end implicit bias toward older people and create more age-inclusive communities!

Reframe Aging Workshop for Writers and Communicators will explore how we can work together to create a positive narrative about aging. Communications professionals who participate in this engaging, intensive workshop will learn how to apply evidence-based communications strategies to challenge negative stereotypes of older adults, work​ to end implicit bias, and create more age-inclusive communities. 

For a summary of the importance of reframing aging, watch Frame of Mind: The Why and How of Reframe Aging.​​​

Generations Work: Introduction to Reframe Agi​​ng

Format: 1-1/2 hour webinar
June 18, 1 PM - 2.30 PM ​

Participants will learn evidence-based methods to communicate better about aging issues, and how to apply framing strategies to become more effective communicators.

Leaders, policymakers, implementers, decision-makers, communications professionals, and program and service providers in the aging services sector are invited to attend. 
By cultivating communications best practices, we can make a difference in the way older people are perceived and impact the services we need as we age.

Bios of the Facilitators

Trish-DAntonio.jpgPatricia M. "Trish" D'Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP, is the Vice President of Policy and Professional Affairs for The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) and a board-certified geriatric pharmacist. Trish directs GSA’s policy initiatives and is responsible for developing rel​​ationships with organizations in the aging arena. Trish represents GSA on several policy coalitions and serves as co-chair for the Adult Vaccine Access Coalition, president of the board of the Protecting Access to Pain Relief, and Chair of the Friends of NIA. Additionally, she serves as the Executive Director for the National Center to Reframe Aging, the central hub to advance the long-term social change endeavor designed to improve the public’s understanding of what aging means and the many ways that older people contribute to our society. Before joining GSA, Trish served as Executive Director for the District of Columbia Board of Pharmacy and Program Manager for the Pharmaceutical Control Division, where she was responsible for the regulatory and policy development for the practice of pharmacy and served as liaison to the FDA, DEA, and other federal, state, and city organizations that promote safe handling of medications. She received her Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from Duquesne University and her Master of Science in Health Finance and Master in Business Administration with a concentration in health care from Temple University. She completed a residency in administration and finance at The Philadelphia Geriatric Center.
Hannah-Albers.jpgHannah Albers is the Project Director of the National Center to Reframe Aging, led by the Gerontological Society of America on behalf of ten leading aging organizations. With a background as a trained facilitator of the principles to reframe aging, Hannah oversees all functions of the National Center’s work. Her efforts focus on establishing the National Center as the central hub for advancing communication strategies that improve public understanding of aging — engaging national leaders, developing tools and products, showcasing best practices, and teaching advocates across the nation. She is deeply passionate about leveraging her skills in group facilitation, strategic planning, and program management to help build communities where everyone can thrive. Prior to her current role, Hannah worked with a senior services organization where she honed her skills in project management, strategic planning, leadership development, and data analysis, and supported the development of a grant-making organization. She holds a degree in International Business and Global Service from Valparaiso University.

Core Elements to Reframe Aging

COHORT 1: Targeting Area Agencies on Aging

Click Here​ to Register

Reframe Aging Communications Best Practice Tips:

Using terms like “seniors,” “elderly,” “aging dependents,” and “the aged.”

Terms like “older people” and “older adults.”


Using phrases such as “tidal wave,” “tsunami,” and similarly catastrophic terms for the growing population of older people.

Using language that speaks affirmatively about changing demographics: “While Americans live longer and healthier lives....”​


Terms like struggle,” “battle,” “fight,” and similar conflict-oriented words to describe aging experiences.

More realistic descriptions of aging: “Aging is a dynamic process that leads to new aspirations, abilities, and knowledge we can share with our communities.”​

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