Participating in the Public Review Process
There are several ways to help spread the word about the LRM public review process so all Maryland communities have the opportunity to inform the process and participate in its success.
Share the LRM plan with your network and discuss its goals, objectives, and intent.
Attend Town Hall events or other LRM learning opportunities. Ask questions and join the conversation about the priorities that are important to you.
- Provide feedback on your thoughts, resources, and suggestions for implementation.
As you participate, we encourage you to promote your efforts through social media. The following images are available for you to use without copyright restriction. To connect your LRM activities with others in the community, please use #LongevityReadyMaryland
To download the images, control click each and select "save as."
Preparing for Implementation
After the public review is over and the plan launches in July, we're calling on everybody to participate in its success. To help us prepare for coordinated efforts across sectors and communities, information sharing is critical as we work together to pave the way for a Longevity Ready Maryland. Large health agencies and institutions, as well as small, hyper-local community organizations are equally important in the data-sharing process. Here are ways you can participate.
- Tell us about the programs and services you provide so we can support your efforts through a coordinated network of cross-sector service referrals and tailored resources to improve the efficiency and sustainability of your important work.
- While protecting client identity,
share the data you collect on the services you provide, the ages of service recipients, how many served, geographic locations, and other appropriate data about social determinants of health, such as income, ability, and race.
If you are interested in playing a larger part in the implementation process, you can express interest in joining a committee or taking on a leadership role in the area of interest that is most important to you.
Your data will never be shared with anyone outside of the Maryland Department of Aging (MDOA). MDOA will only use your data for the implementation of Longevity Ready Maryland, and you can opt out of participation at any time.