How does it work?
Every day a telephone call will be placed to a participant at a regularly scheduled time. These calls will take place between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. as close as possible to the one-hour time block pre-selected by the participant. If the participant does not answer their first call, two more automated calls will be made. If those calls go unanswered, an alternative person who is selected by the participant during program enrollment will be called. This could be an adult child, a neighbor, a loved one, or we will assign an alternate for you. The alternate will then be encouraged to check on the older adult program participant. The failure of the participant and alternate to answer will result in a call to your local non-emergency service.
Senior Call Check phone lines are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. During these hours, seniors can call toll-free 1-866-50-CHECK (1-866-502-0560).
Who can participate?
Any Maryland resident who is 65 years of age or older who has a landline phone or cell phone (TTY is available). The participant and alternates should not have automated call blocking technology (or they should disable that feature for this program).
Who is an alternate?
An alternate is a person you have selected to be called in the Senior Call Check program in the event you do not answer your automated call after 3 attempts. This person must be a reliable emergency contact, such as an adult child, a responsible neighbor, or a close relative. It is helpful to discuss the program with your alternate and explain their responsibility in being a support for you in the event you need help and do not pick up your daily call. If you do not have an Alternate Person, a Limited Alternate will be assigned to you. The program will notify your local non-emergency service after multiple attempts to reach you and your alternate.
When do calls begin?
Unless you choose the expedited process described above, which we are making available during the COVID-19 emergency, daily calls will not begin until the applicant/participant receives a call to verify all of their information. Verification will include a successful test automated call to both the participant and alternate where applicable. After all information is validated, a Welcome Packet will be mailed to your home address. The welcome letter will include your start date.
Senior Call Check is available every day of the year
with the exception of 6 holidays when the call center is closed: New Year’s, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
If an application is denied, the applicant will be informed. If an application is accepted, the applicant will be enrolled as a participant and informed when the daily call checks will begin.
Senior Call Check FAQ
No, this is a FREE service provided by the Maryland Department of Aging
Any Maryland resident aged 65 years or older who has access to a telephone. The Participant themselves may only sign up for this program.
The program will provide a daily automated call. You may select a one-hour block of time during which you will receive the call. The system will call as close to that hour as possible
Options to choose are:
- 8-9 AM
- 9-10 AM
- 11 AM - 12 PM
- 12-1 PM
- 2-3 PM
- 3-4 PM
This person must be a reliable emergency contact, such as an adult child, responsible neighbor, or close relative.
Once registered, approval varies based on the ability to sign terms and conditions and verify applicants other information.
If you are on the phone during the time of your daily call check, the program will call you back up to 3 times. Please be available to answer the call every day.
If you missed your automated call within an hour of your daily time frame, you can call 1-855-765-3148 to verify your call.
Or, click this link to access a form to verify your daily check in call:
No, this free program does not provide the same functionality as all other alert or distress systems. Some of them provide live operator responses and will call 911 for you. Senior Call Check will not.
The system will call you back up to 2 additional times. If there is still no answer, the system will then call your alternate contact. If your alternate does not answer the call or alternates phone does not accept a voicemail, the program will notify your local non-emergency service.
The only current language option is English. However this may change
The daily call will come from the same phone number each day. That number is 1-855-765-3148. Once you receive your first call, you can program that number into your phone to help identify future calls.
Yes, you must place a temporary hold on calls by calling 1-866-502-0560 or you can use this form to pause your daily automated calls.
Please note, Senior Call Check phone lines and robocalls are closed New Year’s, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Please note that pauses can take 48-72 hours (2-3 days) to take effect.
Or, click on this link:
You may dis-enroll from the program at any given time. Please note that it may take up to 7 days to confirm and process a disenrollment request. You can dis-enroll by calling 1-866-502-0560