ALLEGANY COUNTY: Escape to the Islands Senior Prom
Date: May 1, 2023
Time: 11:00am-3:00pm
Location: Cumberland Country Club, 10200 Country Club Rd NE
Description: Older adults and high school students in Allegany county are invited to this free intergenerational event to interact, engage, and get to know each another, while also sharing favorite dance steps and moves from different generations. Music and entertainment provided by Almost Famous.
Registration: Registration is required. Please leave a message for Rhonda Hardman at 301-783-1710.
Sponsors: Allegany County Human Resources and Development Commission and many other donors
ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY: Severn Center Ribbon Cutting & Older Americans Month Celebration
Date: May 13, 2023
Time: 11:00am-2:00pm
Location: 1160 Reece Road, Severn, MD (no parking at center)
Description: In addition to the ribbon cutting ceremony, this event will feature food trucks, games, music, and performances to celebrate Older Americans Month.
Registration: Click here to fill out a required registration form for lunch and/or shuttle service. Click here for event flyer and to find free parking (parking will not be available at the Severn Center).
Sponsors: Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities, Arundel Community Development Services, Inc., and the Boys & Girls Club of Annapolis and Anne Arundel County
CALVERT COUNTY: "Staying Active" with Physical Therapist Dan Schindler
Date: May 19, 2023
Time: 11:00am
Location: Calvert Pines Senior Center, 450 West Dares Beach Road in Prince Frederick
Description: Physical Therapist Dan Schindler will provide tips and insight into staying healthy as we age.
Registration: Call 410-535-4606 to register.
Sponsors: Calvert County Office on Aging
CARROLL COUNTY: Spring Shredding Events
Date: May 9, May 12, May 16, May 19, May 25
Time: 9:00-11:00am
Location: Mt. Airy, Westminster, South Carroll, North Carroll, and Taneytown Senior Centers
Description: Drive up and staff and volunteers will remove items from your vehicle and place it in the shredder. The following items are accepted: paper documents, bound books, spiral and plastic bindings, X-rays, and CDs. No need to remove staples or paper clips. In addition, the Sheriff's Department will be collecting medications (no medical waste sharps or needles).
Registration: No need to register. Click here for a flyer or contact Kristen Harvey for more information at kharvey@carrollcountymd.gov or 410-386-3800.
Sponsors: Carroll County Bureau of Aging and Disabilities
CECIL COUNTY: Coffee & Conversation Elkton Senior Activity Center Open House
Date: May 18, 2023
Time: 9:00-10:30am
Location: Elkton Senior Activity Center, 200 Chesapeake Blvd., Ste. 1700
Description: Staff will offer tours, program registrations, and valuable resources to support and engage Cecil County older adults. Light refreshments will be provided.
Registration: Please R.S.V.P. by May 11 to 410-996-5295, Option 3. Click here for an event flyer.
Sponsor: Cecil County Department of Community Services Aging and Disability Division
FREDERICK COUNTY: Senior Day at the Ball Park
Date: May 25, 2023
Time: Gates open @ 11:00am; Buffet lunch @ Noon; First pitch @ 1:00pm
Location: Nymeo Field at Harry Grove Stadium, 21 Stadium Dr.
Description: Frederick County residents who are registered participants of any Frederick County Senior Services Division program or Frederick County Senior Center can get free tickets to the ball game and buffet lunch at Nymeo Field.
Registration: Must register by May 17 at VirtualSeniorCenter@FrederickCountyMD.gov and pick up tickets at your local senior center on May 22 and 23 (tickets will not be available at the ball game). Click here for an event flyer.
Sponsor: Frederick County Division of Senior Services
HOWARD COUNTY: Breaking Age Stereotypes Interactive Presentation
Date: May 13, 2023
Time: 10:00-11:30am
Location: Bain 50+ Center, 5470 Ruth Keeton Way, Columbia
Description: Post-doctoral researcher, Dr. Laura Allen, with the Erickson School of Aging Studies at UMBC will discuss ways to break aging stereotypes.
Registration: Click here for more information on this and other Older Americans Month events in Howard County.
Sponsor: Howard County Office on Aging & Independence
MONTGOMERY COUNTY: Gaithersburg Active Aging Expo
Date: May 4, 2023
Time: 9:00am-2:00pm
Location: Activity Center at Bohrer Park Gaithersburg, 506 South Frederick Avenue, next to Gaithersburg Highschool
Description: A free annual event that includes health and wellness educational talks, interactive demonstrations, & preventive screenings by not-for-profit organizations and businesses that specialize in serving older adults.
Registration: No registration needed, but participants are encouraged to bring nonperishable foods, diapers and other infant supplies to be donated to local families through the Gaithersburg CARES Hub. For more information on this event, click here.
Sponsors: City of Gaithersburg Senior Services and many other donors
PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY: Aging Unbound Information Fair
Date: May 16, 2023 (rain date May 25)
Time: 10:00am-2:00pm
Location: 6420 Allentown Road (Rear), Camp Springs
Description: Come explore the many ways older adults can be involved with their communities. This free outdoor event will feature information on programs and services for older adults, live music, and a variety of local vendors.
Registration: Register before May 10 at to receive a free boxed lunch. Click here for more information.
Sponsor: Prince George's County Department of Family Services, Aging and Disabilities Division
QUEEN ANNE'S COUNTY: 18th Annual Senior Summit
Date: May 19, 2023
Time: 9:00am-2:00pm
Location: 4-H Park in Centreville
Description: The summit is open to all ages and will feature a health and wellness fair, vendors, live entertainment, and food for purchase. Click here for more information on the event.
Sponsor: Queen Anne's County Department of Community Services Area Agency on Aging
ST. MARY'S COUNTY: Law Day Advanced Directives Event
Date: May 5, 2023
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm
Location: Northern (29655 Charlotte Hall Rd, Charlotte Hall), Garvey (23630 Hayden Farm Ln, Leonardtown), & Loffler (21905 Chancellors Run Rd, Great Mills) Senior Activity Centers
Description: Attorneys who are members of the St. Mary's County Bar Association are donating their time to assist St. Mary's County residents with filling out or updating Advance Care Directives for no charge.
Registration: Registration is required at sarah.miller@stmaryscountymd.gov or call 301-475-4200, ext. 1073.
Sponsor: St. Mary's County Department of Aging and Human Services