More Support for Older Adults


The Maryland Department of Aging (MDOA) and the statewide network of 24 Area Agencies on Aging assist older Marylanders with a range of services and sources of information. 

Nutrition and Meal Services 

Provides home-delivered meals, meals in community settings, and nutritional counseling for older adults. ​​

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention​

​Ways to maintain or improve health and wellbeing.

Senior Care Services 

Provides coordinated, community-based, in-home services, equipment, and medical supplies to maintain independent community living for those who meet the eligibility criteria.​

Maryland Senior C​all Check Program (SCC)  

Receive a daily automated call to verify your well-being, at a time scheduled at your convenience. Registration is free to Maryland residents 65 years of age and older.​

Supportive Communities​

C​ollaborating with local governments, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and community members to develop strategies that promote active aging and improve the overall quality of life for older adults in Maryland.​ ​

Senior Centers

Connecting with Community and Programs
