Maryland Community for LifeSM Overview:
Maryland Community for LifeSM is an innovative program developed by the Maryland Department of Aging to support older adults as they age at home. The Community for LifeSM program provides a package of services that make it comfortable and convenient to age at home to Marylanders over the age of 60. The program’s services are designed to prevent the predictable challenges of aging that can require admittance into a high level of care facility, such as a nursing home or assisted living facility.
Join Maryland Community for LifeSM today to enjoy your independence for many tomorrows to come.
Maryland Community for LifeSM Services:
Three core services define the Community for LifeSM program: home maintenance,
service navigation, and
transportation. Please note actual services offered may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
Home Maintenance
As part of Community for LifeSM home maintenance service, individuals are entitled to:
- An initial home safety assessment
- Home repair services, for example:
- Changing lightbulbs
- Cutting down hanging tree limbs
- Replacing smoke detectors
- A list of vetted contractors and assistance with contract review for major repairs.
By providing home maintenance services, the Community for Life
SM program prevents injury, prevents fraud, and protects home value.
Service Navigation

Each Maryland Community for Life
SM program is required to hire and train a local service navigator. The training to become a service navigator is extensive and has been designed specifically for the Maryland Community for Life
SM program by the Center for the Study of Aging at McDaniel College. Service navigators are experts on all programs and services for older adults in their area. Service navigators can provide advice on topics ranging from local events to fraud prevention.
By providing service navigation, Community for Life
SM allows members to access hundreds of services and prevents isolation.
Each Maryland Community for LifeSM offers a fixed amount of transportation each month. These transportation services allow older adults to complete tasks such as food shopping, errands, and attend medical appointments. Additionally, transportation services provide older adults with access to community, cultural, and family events.
By providing transportation services, Community for LifeSM prevents isolation, allows individuals to access services rather than requiring services be brought to them, and permits members to attend important doctors’ appointments and receive preventative care.
Maryland Community for LifeSM Eligibility:
All Marylanders over the age of 60 are eligible for enrollment in the Maryland Community for LifeSM program. There are no health or income qualifications.
Maryland Community for LifeSM Costs:
Individuals are required to pay a monthly membership fee in order to receive Community for LifeSM services. Membership fees vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Each CFLSM provider has committed to providing subsidies for residents who cannot pay the full membership fee.
Maryland Community for LifeSM Program Providers:
If you are interested in membership, please contact a program provider below.