Reframe Aging

: Strategies to Reframe Aging for Better Outcomes for Older Adults

Marylanders are experiencing longer, healthier life expectancies. According to the Centers for Disease Control National, Maryland was one of only 11 states to see an increase in life expectancy in 2021 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is important as older Marylanders contribute significantly to the economy through work, innovation, purchasing power, and tax revenue. Part of the work of the Maryland Department of Aging through our multisector plan for aging, Longevity Ready Maryland, is to ​address how negative and inaccurate stereotypes impact social determinants of health and how we can work to advance a more equitable and complete understanding of the contributions the growing population of older Marylanders provides to our society.

Each year, ageism in the U.S. costs​ more than $63 billion in health care​​​, and $850 billion to the U.S. economy.

​Generational Work: Introduction to Reframe Aging

Wednesday, October 30, 2024
7:30 - 8 a.m. – Networking
8 - 9 a.m. – Presentation
Maryland State Fairgrounds/Cow Palace

Join like-minded professionals at The Power of Age Expo to network from 7:30-8 a.m. with breakfast available from the Fairground Concessions. Next, Hannah Albers, Project Director of the National Center to Reframe Aging will present evidence-based methods to communicate better about aging issues and how to apply framing strategies to become more effective communicators. By cultivating communications best practices, we can make a difference in the way older people are perceived and positively impact the services we need as we age.

For more information, visit​ or call 410-887-2109.​​

Power of Aging Expo Flyer

Governor Moore Proclaims October 9th as Ageism Awareness Day in Maryland

Governor Wes Moore has proclaimed October 9, 2024 as Ageism Awareness Day in Maryland​ to draw attention to the existence of ageism in our society and how it influences everything from personal interactions to public policy.

How we think, feel, and act toward others or ourselves based on age can negatively impact our health and well-being, our financial security, and the economy. ​Maryland joins the​​ American Society on Aging,​ the World Health Organization,​ and others to celebrate Ageism Awareness Day on Oct. 9, 2024. Register for our free Ageism Awareness Day Webinar on October 9th from 12:00pm - 1:00pm. Click here to register.

#AgeismAwarenessDay #TalkAboutAgeism #AWorld4AllAges

Impact of Ageism

  • Health and well-being: According to the World Health Organization and United Nation's Global Report on Ageism, among older people, ageism is associated with poorer physical and mental health, increased social isolation and loneliness, decreased quality of life and premature death. An estimated 6.3 million cases of depression globally are estimated to be attributable to ageism. 
  • Financial security: Ageist stereotypes can pressure older workers to retire prematurely or prevent them from being considered for a job in the first place. Additionally, ageism can contribute to increased healthcare costs. According to a 2020 study published in The Gerontologist, ageism led to excess annual costs of $63 billion for the eight most expensive health conditions for people over 60.
  • ​​Local, state, and U.S. economy: Ageism can lead to a reduced labor supply and a decline in consumer spending through foregone increases in jobs and wages, as well as drawing from Social Security earlier. According to a 2018 AARP and Economist Intelligence Unit report, age discrimination costs the U.S. economy $850 billion in GDP.  ​

Types of Ageism

Ageism is one of the most widespread and socially accepted forms of prejudice and comes in many forms, including:
  • Internalized ageism: How we feel about ourselves as we age
  • Implicit ageism: The unconscious bias that includes attitudes, feelings, and behaviors toward people of other age groups
  • Interpersonal ageism: Ageist comments and behavior, whether unconscious or conscious​, that happens between people when they interact
  • Benevolent ageism: Patronizing, paternalistic beliefs or behaviors that older people need to be protected because they are no longer able to make decisions for themselves (may include "elder speak" as if talking to a child).
  • Cultural ageism: The everyday, invisible, profoundly ingrained and normalized negative messages about aging and old people embedded in movies, TV, songs, jokes, etc. 
  • Institutional ageism: Unfair age-based restrictions in laws, policies, and practices of public and private institutions. 

Strategies to Reduce Ageism

​​​The United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing global initiative has identified three strategies to reduce or eliminate ageism: 

  • Policy and law can address discrimination and inequality on the basis of age and protect the human rights of everyone, everywhere. 
  • Educational activities can enhance empathy, dispel misconceptions about different age groups, and reduce prejudice by providing accurate information and counter-stereotypical examples. 
  • Intergenerational interventions, which bring together people of different generations, can help reduce intergroup prejudice and stereotypes.​

MDOA Partners with the National Center to Reframe Aging

The Maryland Department of Aging formed a strategic partnership with the National Center to Reframe Aging to change the way society talks about aging, work to end implicit bias toward older people, and create more age-inclusive communities. The partnership was formed as part of Longevity Ready Maryland, a ten-year multisector plan to prepare Maryland for the challenges and maximize the benefits and opportunities of a rapidly aging society. 

With funding from MDOA, the National Center to Reframe Aging, led by the Gerontological Society of America, has provided educational workshops, consultation, and technical assistance to more than 500 leaders, communicators, and policy makers across the state on how to better communicate about aging and the contributions older people bring to society. 

On October 30th, NCRA will hold another workshop on how to advance an equitable and complete story about aging and promote evidence-based communication strategies to frame aging issues. For more information, visit​ or call 410-887-2109.​

​​Ageism Awareness Day is October 9, 2024

Take our Reframe Aging Milestone Survey:​

​Let us know the best parts of the decades that follow 50. All ages are encouraged to participate! Take the survey now.

The State of Maryland Proclamation from the governor of the state of Marylandageism awareness day October 9, 2024 whereas, Maryland is home to an estimated 6.1 million adults over the age of 60 who make significant contributions to society: andwhereas people in Maryland are living longer and healthier than ever before and Marylanders age 60+ are expected to represent about 26% of the state's population by 2030: andwhereas, recognizing and celebrating the contributions and wisdom of older adults enriches the fabric of our communities and strengthens intergenerational bonds: and whereas, negative stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination affect the health, financial well-being, and longevity of all Marylanders: andwhereas: preventing ageism in education, employment, housing, and health care improves the quality of life of all Marylanders: andwhereas, addressing ageism is essential to creating a more equitable and inclusive society for current and future generations, ensuring all can age with dignity, respect, and the support we deserve: and whereas, Executive Order 01.01.2024.01 established Maryland's commitment to act with urgency and seize the opportunity to build a longevity-ready state, by establishing new policies and programs, evaluating the efficacy of current services, identifying new support options for older adults and caregivers, coordinating with the public and private partners, and strategically planning for the future. Now, therefore, I, Wes Moore, Governor of the state of Maryland, do hereby proclaim October 9 2024 as AGESIM AWARENESS DAY in Maryland and do commend the observation to all of our citizens. signed Wes Moore, GovernorAruna Miller, Lt. GovernorSusan Leo, Secretary of State

Ageism Awareness Day Proclamation:

Click here to view the 2024 Ageism Awareness Day Proclamation. 


Reframe Aging Communicatio​​ns Best Practice Tips:

Using terms like “seniors,” “elderly,” “aging dependents,” and “the aged.”

Terms like “older people” and “older adults.”


Using phrases such as “tidal wave,” “tsunami,” and similarly catastrophic terms for the growing population of older people.

Using language that speaks affirmatively about changing demographics: “While Americans live longer and healthier lives....”​


Terms like struggle,” “battle,” “fight,” and similar conflict-oriented words to describe aging experiences.

More realistic descriptions of aging: “Aging is a dynamic process that leads to new aspirations, abilities, and knowledge we can share with our communities.”​​