Promote Economic Opportunity

Objectives and Strategies
Objective 1:
Strengthen Maryland’s ongoing commitment to family caregivers.
- Increase the capacity of state agencies and the Maryland Commission on Caregiving to adopt actions within the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers.
- Explore the recommendations within the 2024 Together in Care initiative, including the adoption of a coordinated statewide training initiative for paid and unpaid caregivers.
- Collaborate across state agencies to formulate policy that increases the opportunity for people to work more years with more flexibility, supporting family care across the lifespan.
- Expand the reach of existing caregiver support programs to underserved populations through targeted and culturally appropriate outreach in collaboration with federal, state, and local partners.
- Improve Maryland’s No Wrong Door access to information and supports for family caregivers.
- Adopt policies for home- and community-based services and health care delivery that ensures the incorporation of caregivers in the care team, when appropriate.
Objective 2:
Improve the quality of direct care careers.
- Explore opportunities to address the recruitment and retention of direct care workers by providing a living wage and access to benefits.
- Engage direct care workers as participating stakeholders in the design of relevant state policies to improve the quality of direct care careers.
- Identify and implement career pathways focused on skills-based job opportunities for direct care workers to utilize past lay experience and credentialed certifications to enter or re-enter the workforce.
- Explore the adoption of recommendations of the 2024 Together in Care Initiative by PHI, including the development of direct care worker registries.
Objective 3:
Increase the number of Maryland employers that promote sustainable career opportunities using age-inclusive policies and practices.
- Evaluate the impact of the paid and unpaid older workforce on Maryland’s economy.
- Evaluate age- and retirement-related policies and requirements and identify opportunities for modernization.
- Lead the effort to encourage Maryland employers to adopt age-inclusive policies and practices by implementing age-friendly employer certifications through the State of Maryland.
- Improve coordination and collaboration between Area Agencies on Aging and American Jobs Centers in providing access to supportive services and employment supports, including the Senior Citizen Supportive Employment Program (SCSEP).
- Support public- and private-sector employers in building their capacity to recruit, hire, and retain employees age 50 and over of all backgrounds and abilities.
- Create pathways for workers age 40 and over to upskill, reskill, and pursue career changes to in-demand occupations, such as health care, education, and information technology.