Build a Longevity Ecosystem

Build a Longevity Ecosystem by creating supportive and inclusive communities for all ages and abilities and building capacity at the local level.

Objectives and Strategies

Objective 1: Strengthen partnerships with service providers, community organizations, nonprofits, academia, and the private sector to leverage public-private partnerships and support community-driven action.​

  • ​​Continually assess longevity readiness across state agencies and increase cross-sector collaboration that embraces a lifespan approach to policy and service delivery.
  • Improve data capture and dissemination through coordinated data systems and capacity building at the state and local level.
  • Engage local communities in asset mapping, identifying opportunities to promote healthy longevity.
  • Promote the adoption of the age-friendly communities model as an effective means for local governments, organizations, and community members to advance collaboration that supports healthy longevity. 
  • Enhance innovation and partnerships between government and community-based nonprofit organizations.
  • Increase private investment that supports local age-friendly programs 
  • and infrastructure.​

Objective 2: Enhance multi-disciplinary prevention and response policies for elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation across state agencies.

  • Review and adopt recommendations of the Task Force On Preventing and Countering Elder Abuse, including: 
  • Implement policies that promote justice and safeguard older adults across state- and federally-funded programs.
  • Create accountability for oversight of long-term care quality and improve hospital discharge processes for at-risk adults.
  • Improve systems for monitoring private and public guardianship to preserve the rights of older adults.
  • Prevent fraud, cybercrime, and financial exploitation through increased oversight of powers of attorney, representative payees, and reporting from banking institutions who serve older adults.

Objective ​3: Increase the distribution of resources across state programs to historically underserved and under-resourced communities.

  • Engage under-resourced communities to plan and implement programs and policies that address community needs.
  • Establish criteria across agencies for state-funded grants to ensure resources are targeted to communities in need. 
  • Integrate a longevity lens across state equity planning and implementation to improve reach and access of services among underserved populations, including people living in ​or near poverty, rural communities, people living with HIV, people of color, LGBTQIA+ community, people with disabilities, people with sight or hearing accessibility challenges, Native Americans, and those at risk of nursing home placement. 
  • Provide training that supports the adoption of bias-free language principles that promote the benefits and contributions of older Marylanders in all state- and federally-funded communications.
  • Continue investment in sustainable growth to build community resiliency, connectivity, affordability, and vitality.​

Obje​​​ctive 4: Maximize the benefits of older volunteers across sectors.

  • Evaluate the landscape of volunteerism in Maryland and develop 
  • an action plan that leverages the growing population of skilled 
  • older volunteers.
  • Increase awareness and adoption of the neighbor-helping-neighbor Village model.
  • Recruit older volunteers and multigenerational volunteer teams into coordinated service opportunities. 
  • Increase the number of volunteers of all ages providing support to 
  • older Marylanders through Maryland Corps, AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP, Long-Term Care Ombudsman, SHIP, and other programs through cross-promotion of volunteerism opportunities across state agencies. ​

Measures of Impact:

  • Increase the number of and diversity of local organizations participating in LRM activities
  • Increase participation in volunteer programs available to and for older adults
  • Increase people trained in reducing age-related bias in state-developed communications​

LRM Epic Goals:​